

Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Life is really just beautiful moments, one after the other"

I'm linking up with Lisette & Catalyn for their Just Because blog hop and thought this was a good post to share for today..just because we could all use a reminder to value our every days a little more.

So when I see a lot of people sharing the same videos over and over again on Facebook, I usually try to hold myself back from clicking the links just incase it's a virus or some other such nonsense. but yesterday I felt drawn to this one link I kept seeing so I clicked it, and I think after watching it...
I feel changed.
here, watch it for yourself: My Last Days: Meet Zach Sobiech
If you know me, you know that I am absolutely terrified of dying. If we start talking about it, even if I am alone and start thinking of it, one thought leads to another and I's an awful thing, an irrational fear since it's an inevitable fate for us all. I'm learning how to cope with this fear but honestly I don't know how everyone else isn't walking around constantly panicking about this as well, but that's another post for another day.
watching this video, learning about someone who knew he was dying every single day with a very real ending, it just moved me.
Things I learned from Zach Sobiech: someone I had never even heard of until his passing on Monday, and yet I feel like he has left us with such a profound message.
"life is really just beautiful moments, one after the other"
watching him reflect on his life, and prepare for his death mystified me. He wasn't angry, or bitter, and while some might say those are feelings he might have showed off camera...I think he really was at peace with what was happening and I envy that. He was living every single day as much as possible, not letting it pass him by. he loved his life. he loved his family. he loved his friends. and he let them all know. he touched the lives of those around him, and now so many more. there's just so much he touches upon through this video that to me, I find deeply profound for someone who is so young, but seems so much wiser than people I know ten years older than him.
" It's really simple actually, just try and make people happy"
 he talks about teens and their view on being invincible which is so true. how many times have I heard my high school students talk about things as if danger doesn't exist for them, as if they're immortal. He talks about people being afraid of death and the unknown and puts it in a whole new perspective that I've never thought of.
" it's kind of like sitting in the dark so you could just be freaking out in the dark thinking about what's out there, or you could just relax and fall asleep, and just be happy and content with everything"
here is the special music video for his song clouds made for him by celebrities and friends if you'd like to see it.
and perhaps the most important message he left the world with:
"You don't have to find out you're dying to start living" - Zach Sobiech
rest peacefully Zach.
start living people.

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams

Sunday, May 19, 2013

adding up your blessings will multiply your joy

hello out there!
is anyone still here patiently waiting for me to return to my beloved space in this blog world? if you are, my apologies for falling off the edge of the blogging map, I really have no good reason so i'll spare you my excuses. let's get right to it shall we?
yesterday I attended the wedding of one of my most favorite friends from college. during the speeches it was mentioned that they had been dating now for three years, and it took me back for a moment. three years? already? I remember talking to him the night of their first date and really I feel like it was just a little while ago and yet, apparently, it's been three years.
do you know that song from rent 525,600 minutes?  for those of you who don't it goes a little something like this:

525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes
- how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In
inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.

In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?

how DO you measure a year in your life? good question.

so while I was contemplating how three years have gone by for this couple I started thinking about other things that have marked the last three years in my sphere of relativity: I graduated from college again, moved away from home and out of state, and moved back. my friends have gotten married, had babies, bought houses, and gotten divorced. I have made friends, lost friends, grieved deaths, and celebrated achievements. I've had more jobs than I should admit too, and decided I'm still lost as always. I have loved deeply, had my heart broken so severely, found myself slipping to a very bottom I had only read about in books, and slowly built myself back up little by little. I started this blog three years ago, right before my 25th birthday, and yet just last week I celebrated my 28th year in this world.

Three years have just passed me by, and I'm not quite sure how. I can recall profound moments that feel as if they are freeze framed in my memory as instances in which the course of my life was being changed at that very moment the memory was being made. I can recall moments that seem completely ordinary, and yet hold some significant meaning to me. I have laughed uncontrollably, embarrassed myself so much I hoped the floor would swallow me up. I've made choices I instantly regretted the moment after saying yes, and danced into the wee hours of the morning not caring who was watching. I've done many things, and yet not enough things, lived my life, and also withdrew into myself.

three years have passed and I've found myself- grown into my own person, but at the same time am as undecided about what I want to do in my life as I was when I was 25, or 20, maybe more so now then when I was 15. but that's okay.

here's what I do know: I want to live. I want to know, that at the very end of my life, I have experienced every wonderful thing I could, in my power and within reason, experience. I want to be happy, and feel fulfilled. I want to have made a difference to someone. at least one person.

so what have I been doing the last three years? however many minutes, moments,  and memories that adds up to?

I've been living moments.

with an heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams
