one of my favorite blog friends Meghan over at shine on
is awesome, a professional sorority girl and i happen to adore her
she regularly blogs about her life working for her sorority and all the fun things that go along with it, which i love to read because really it would be my dream job too.
she's hosting a link up so the rest of us out in the blogging world can share our sorority life memories and stories with each other-- the good, the bad, & the wonderful
i linked up so you can read my entry there ( i'm #2)
or click here
greek life gets a bad rap.
you can't understand it (or judge it for that matter) if you never experienced it.
through it all you meet people who you form a bond with...
and for many that bond stretches throughout a lifetime.
i am who i am because of my experiences within my sorority.
i'm not only very much okay with that, but also proud of it.
are you a current member of greek life or a post college alum?
link up with meghan and share your stories :)
with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams
glad to see youre blogging on the regular!