

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Confessions with Mrs. Bear

So i'm linking up with mrs. bear for a few confessions for the week ...cause for real, we all have them, might as well tell someone about them!

Think Happy Thoughts
i confess... i told her last week i was going to link up and then next thing i was today. a week later. whooops. (better late than never mrs. bear?!)
i confess... whenever i am about to walk out of my apartment and hear someone else heading down the stairs or their door opening, i stop and wait until i hear them leave. it's weird i know but i've had enough akward small talk with everyone in here and at this point i'm okay with them thinking i'm stuck up, and perhaps a shut in, since everytime i see the guy upstairs he tells me he hasnt seen me in months (i've lived here for 8 months...)
i confess: I AM SO EXCITED TO SEND OUT MY HOLIDAY CARDS!  what do i care if i dont have a pet, boyfriend, husband or baby to take pictures with? i have me and that is just good enough. and im crafty enough to make props...which i did.
i confess... my faucet has been dripping since probably...the second day i lived here and i just keep not telling my landlord about it. even though it drives me crazyyyy.
i confess: i just had some peppermint swirl ice cream and enjoyed every last bit of it. yum
i confess: i'd like to rename my blog, again. but it feels like every awesome name is already taken! time to brainstorm over here people.
i confess: lately, it's taken me every last ounce of everything in me to not bitch some people out like they really deserve. like who are you and where did you come from? don't talk to me.
i confess... lately, i'd rather not hear one more thing about weddings. about people i know, about strangers, about anyones. unless we're talking about mine. my non existent one that is. i could talk about that one allll day, and show you my board on pinterest.
oh, speaking of which
i confess: 122 people apparently read my last post, and not one single person commented on it. really? really?! maybe it's a case of...if you don't have anything nice to say.
ok, that's not entirely true, some people commented on fb, but that's not the same thing.
i confess: my day started off on the wrong foot because my alarm didn't go off (...or i slept through it) and then i wasted an hour on facebook stalking people who have my dream job(s). yep that's plural since i actually don't know what i'm doing with my life.
i confess: this post makes me look like a serious negative nancy, so i should really cut the crap.
i confess:  i'm not even sure i like cats.... but i might be getting a kitten :)
and with that, i'm going to sleep ten hours past my bedtime
with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams


  1. Love!! Thanks so much for confessing :) I can relate to not wanting to see anyone when you're leaving your apt - I used to do that all that time when we lived in one!

  2. Wow. What a great post! I think I agree with just about every one of your Confessions! (I'm from NYC so I ESPECIALLY agree with the waiting to hear people leave to exit). Kudos to you re: holiday cards! I always like receiving them but I've never done them! I'm your newest follower!



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