

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Well hello there

Testing, testing, is anyone still out there? 

If you are, props to you for sticking around. I haven't posted in months, and for a bit before that too apparently. Who knows why since I sure have had a lot to say and enough time to write it in between my train, subway, bus, plane and horse and buggy commute to and from work. 

Oh work? You must be asking what the heck I'm doing with my life these days..well I got a job. Teaching. Pre k. So I'm molding the minds of tomorrow one hug at a time. 

I don't have much anything new to report really. I'm still "finding myself", still single, still looking for my own romantic comedy with a happy ending. Still searching for answers to so many puzzling questions like why do people listen to their music so loud at 6am on the train, or why the nickname for William is bill, OR why harem pants are a thing. 

Basically that's what I've been doing.  If you're still here, then thanks. I'm back, and ready to share my random thoughts if anyone's still interested. 

With a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams. 



say hello :)