

Thursday, August 23, 2012

guess what?!

guess what.
i got accepted into grad school today.
YAY!!!1 I'm so excited. SO SO excited!! I immediately registered for classes and hopefully will get my school supplies this weekend and be ready to go!
did i mention how excited i am?!
i love school. and school supplies. and just having a semi structured existense, but only sometimes.
and i am SO happy with my choice of program: school counseling.
it's like everythings finally working out.
with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams

Monday, August 13, 2012

my very first swap!! who wants in?

ok so this technically isn't my first swap since i've particiapted in nail polish, scarves, ornament, and other random swaps but it is my first time hosting one soooo without further ado:

i know, i know, you're saying to yourself "a magnet swap?, really?" but yes.
Since living alone I have discovered that magnets are underappreciated and highly necessary. especially if you're me and everyone you know is sending wedding, shower, baby, engagement announcements & invites and you have one lonely heavy duty magnet struggling to keep things on your fridge.
PLUS have you ever really thought about what you display on your fridge says to guests about you? it's like a quick look into your life : maybe you have pictures, invitations, quotes, contact info, random things that say to a guest passing through -- this is my life in a nutshell.

Last week I had mentioned my desire for some magnets and today I came home to a surprise from two blogger friends! so why not spread the love?

Here are the guidelines:

- Maximum spending amount: $10 (that includes sending it out) so maybe you pick a really great big magnet or two smaller awesome ones, whatever you'd like!

- If possible make it personal. Check out your partners blog and get to know each other. Share something that represents you, or something that interests them, whatever :)  

- Please mail your swap item out by Saturday 8/25

- Make it lovely! Who doesn't love getting packages in the mail?! So please make it worthwhile for your partner. I've been pretty lucky in my past swaps so let's keep it going!

Ok, that's it i think...anyone still interested?
 Leave your name, blog address & email in a comment if you are!

I'm keeping this sign up open until this friday 8/17 and will then let you know who your partner is so you can get going :)

I'm already excited!

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams


p.s. tell your friends, pass it on!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

what a beautiful life.

so today one of my oldest childhood friends asked me to call her.
"call you?" i said, "who calls people anymore?"
" i need to tell you a funny story" she said
"does it end with you being engaged? because you'd be the third one this week" (clearly i think i am a funny girl...){cricket cricket while i waited patiently for a reply about some random person we knew ten years ago who did something awkward, because this is actually how conversations with us go}
"perhaps" was her bbm back
 and this is how i knew she was about to tell me she was engaged. which she now is. so i called anyway to hear it out loud. (Congrats again boogie!!)

a few days ago my friend kayti sent me a picture of an engagement ring. with the caption "yep. that happened!"  and this is how i found out she was engaged.

a few months ago, my friend Laura, who ive known since kindergarten, called me for my birthday and asked me to call her back because she had some news to tell me. and when i didnt call her back because it was my birthday and i hadn't even realized she left me a voicemail, she texted me to tell me she was engaged.

again, notice a pattern here?

this has been happening at a steady pace of at least two of my friends every other week for the last two years.

here is the moral of my story:
and no, for once it's not that
i am alone and looking for love.

it's this:
yes, bad things happen. people get hurt, people hurt others, peoples hearts get broken, people get discouraged, people get lost and confused and go through periods where things are hard and seem like maybe they won't ever get better. i know, because i've been there right along with the rest of you.

but things always get better. and not only do they get better, they sometimes turn into something better than you ever expected. and not only that, but these things show you that you are actually never alone. and that's where i am right now. I am not alone, even though relationship wise i suppose i am.
because I have friends who have wonderful, amazing things happening for them right this moment, and during these happy times, they have thought to share their happiest news with me.

so yes, i could be sad and miserable and say woe is me...
(and to be honest, every so often, i do, for a moment feel that way)
BUT THEN I am overcome with happiness for my friends. my beautiful, wonderful friends who I may be separated from in years or distance, from the last times since we spoke or saw each other, but really are not separated in memories or at heart. because we have those things to connect us, despite the changes we all go through-- the moves, the jobs, the life things that sometimes get in the way, maybe some that we haven't spoken in months or years.

so to my beautiful, wonderful, at some point in my life friends, friends i am so, very happy for you all

(many of you don't even read my blog, but still)

sara, laura, kayti, lazlo, tricia, dan and about 50 other people i know -- congratulations on your very recent engagements, and on finding that one person who you want to spend the rest of your mornings waking up with. happy wedding planning to you all

katie, emily, sarah & teresa -- congratulations on your wedding days that are just around the corner, lifetimes and lifetimes worth of love and happiness to every one of you

joe & jacki -- happy almost 2 year anniversary, and the growth of your little family with surraya and kylie

candice -- congrats on all the changes youve made these last few months, and for taking risks on what your future holds for you

missy --congrats on being brave enough to move to a place where you didnt know anyone and doing it anyway

julie -- congratulations on finding the job you've been working so hard for, and for loving it so much already

danielle- congrats on your new home & for deciding to take a chance on a change of careers

steph a -- i forgot to say congratulations on your teaching position, you will be a wonderful teacher!

kait, danielle & amy-- congrats on your very recent weddings, a lifetime of love and happiness to you all.

angela -- congrats on your new position, and for all your hard work paying off

shelley -- congrats on your amazing weight loss and all you've accomplished

and last but most certainly not least,
congratulations to my sister tiana-- for being brave and strong and as always a role model not only to me but to your own kids. for always lending an ear and a hug, and for believing that even if today seems a little rough, tomorrow is always bound to be a little better.

to these friends and to so many others, who i may not be able to think of right now-- it doesn't matter to me if we haven't spoke in months, or even haven't seen each other in years. whether we were once close and are now just people from each other memories. i am so very happy for you all, for every amazing wonderful thing happening for you, and even if i don't say it enough or even at all, i am thankful for you. and grateful that you have shared your lives with me at some point or another.

and sara? you know i really meant it today when i said i was so happy for you. even if i prefaced it with "Please hold while i put my 'i'll be single forever but i'm happy for you anyway' voice on". because you're my boogie, and you know what i really mean, after our almost 15 years of friendship.

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams




Friday, August 10, 2012

oh hello friday!


dear friday: i had no idea you were here already. seriously, not.a.clue. you're a sneaky one huh? dear whitney: thanks for sharing the birthday spirit with the blog world, since i won my first official bloggy giveaway! i'm so excited :)
dear little hair of mine: i chopped you off!! but on a good day i sort of love it..if only the weather would start cooperating. dear adam levine: i posted this picture on facebook with this caption: { "adam levine should really keep his clothes on" - said no one, ever. }and it got rave reviews. you're hot. don't ever wear clothes, ever.

dear kindle: you plus having library cards for two states has seriously renewed my love of reading. so convenient to carry around and never be without a book! love you the most! dear apartment of mine: you are officially all mine. im surrounded by stuff that's totally me and i love it. you'er coming together slowly but surely, but finding things for you is like treasure hunting for me and it makes me feel safe and happy. dear glasses: it's time for a new pair of four eyes. time to start looking! dear mooomy & dad: whenever you come to visit me, i never want you to leave. i felt like a lost puppy when you left to go home again and i wanted to jump in the car and go with you. you make me reconsider moving home. big sigh. dear grad school interview: i really really really reallllllllly hope you go well so i can go to school in a few weeks. i am desperate to be back in a classroom, as the teacher OR the student. dear sleep: i can't get enough of you. i've spent the better part of the last few days asleep and it's still not enough. yawn. dear monograms: i'm a little bit loving you lately. and i've never ever even liked monograms. good thing mine doesn't seem to be changing any time soon (how's that for looking at the silver lining?) plus reese witherspoon is all about them too:

Dear honeybooboo: holy crap. i'm watching it right now and have officially been converted. "it smells like hair spray and desperation in here!" ohhhhhh man, count me in. speaking of shows i can't stop watching: dear tlc: i just saw the premiere of abby & brittany. now, if you know me, you know that when i saw the special "abby & brittany turn 16" like... five years ago, i couldn't get enough. i'm fascinated. she's a two headed girl. a girl with two heads, who think and have feelings and want to do separate things but only have one body. i really am fascinated. and i want to watch every minute of their life. is that awful?
dear random friends of mine: lately so many of you keep popping back into my life, despite months and even years of not seeing each other, or speaking to each other. i am thankful for that. life gets busy, time flies by, so really for you to not hold it against me for the time lapse, i equally don't hold it against you. and for your friendships, i am thankful .

have a wonderful friday lovebugs!
with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

oh, hello!

ok here's a whole bunch of random:

sometimes, i wish i was a boy just so i could have a mohawk. so this actually means that sometimes i wish i was my brother. awkward.

have any of you bought one of those imitation j crew bubble necklaces off of ebay? i want one and want to pick a seller someone's already purchased from.

i have a LOT of friends getting engaged, married and having babies. by default this also means that i have a LOT on invitations to showers & weddings. i don't have the free time or the money for all this. ofcourse i wish i did because missing out on life events makes me sad. so currently, i feel a little sad sending back declined rsvps :(

i think i want to do this to one of my walls:

or this :

i'm 27. and yet, everytime i see my parents for a few days and then they have to leave, or i do, i feel a deep sadness and revert right back to the little kid who used to hate getting dropped off at camp and really wanted to stay with my parents in the car and go wherever they were going
that's me, hiiiii

i don't want to work...and yet i need the money. too bad i wish i was doing something i loved instead of something that gets me by.

....which brings me to a very important phone call, about a very special possibility coming up in a few weeks...and here's hoping i make a fantastic impression BECAUSEEEEEEEE then, something wonderful will be happening in my life :)

here's hoping!

and here's something to ponder:

anything random going on with you guys?



Saturday, August 4, 2012

ummmm, because this is totally normal.

I haven't blogged in like two weeks. seriously, who am i?!

someone who is attached to their kindle that's who.

whenever i'm not at my nannying job or at my resturant job i'm reading my little heart out non stop. it's awesome and fantastic and has reminded me just how much i love a good book.
on another note, i've been getting a whole lot of  engagement, wedding, baby shower invites and announcements lately and my poor fridge can't hold them because i have about four real magnets and then a handful of alphabet magnets that can't hold up a receipt let alone an actual piece of paper.

so anyway, would anyone like to send me a magnet? from whevever you are, or one you think is funny or cute or whatever. consider it an act of kindness to send a small gift to a complete stranger for no reason other than to let me know you thought of me for .2 seconds of your day. i CAN tell you that i would greatly appreciate it. let me know and i'll give you my address!!!

im serious. is this selfish of me to ask you oh bloggy friends of mine? maybe, but ill pay it forward with my own act of kindness to someone else. sooooo will you send me a magnet please?!!!

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams

