

Friday, August 10, 2012

oh hello friday!


dear friday: i had no idea you were here already. seriously, not.a.clue. you're a sneaky one huh? dear whitney: thanks for sharing the birthday spirit with the blog world, since i won my first official bloggy giveaway! i'm so excited :)
dear little hair of mine: i chopped you off!! but on a good day i sort of love it..if only the weather would start cooperating. dear adam levine: i posted this picture on facebook with this caption: { "adam levine should really keep his clothes on" - said no one, ever. }and it got rave reviews. you're hot. don't ever wear clothes, ever.

dear kindle: you plus having library cards for two states has seriously renewed my love of reading. so convenient to carry around and never be without a book! love you the most! dear apartment of mine: you are officially all mine. im surrounded by stuff that's totally me and i love it. you'er coming together slowly but surely, but finding things for you is like treasure hunting for me and it makes me feel safe and happy. dear glasses: it's time for a new pair of four eyes. time to start looking! dear mooomy & dad: whenever you come to visit me, i never want you to leave. i felt like a lost puppy when you left to go home again and i wanted to jump in the car and go with you. you make me reconsider moving home. big sigh. dear grad school interview: i really really really reallllllllly hope you go well so i can go to school in a few weeks. i am desperate to be back in a classroom, as the teacher OR the student. dear sleep: i can't get enough of you. i've spent the better part of the last few days asleep and it's still not enough. yawn. dear monograms: i'm a little bit loving you lately. and i've never ever even liked monograms. good thing mine doesn't seem to be changing any time soon (how's that for looking at the silver lining?) plus reese witherspoon is all about them too:

Dear honeybooboo: holy crap. i'm watching it right now and have officially been converted. "it smells like hair spray and desperation in here!" ohhhhhh man, count me in. speaking of shows i can't stop watching: dear tlc: i just saw the premiere of abby & brittany. now, if you know me, you know that when i saw the special "abby & brittany turn 16" like... five years ago, i couldn't get enough. i'm fascinated. she's a two headed girl. a girl with two heads, who think and have feelings and want to do separate things but only have one body. i really am fascinated. and i want to watch every minute of their life. is that awful?
dear random friends of mine: lately so many of you keep popping back into my life, despite months and even years of not seeing each other, or speaking to each other. i am thankful for that. life gets busy, time flies by, so really for you to not hold it against me for the time lapse, i equally don't hold it against you. and for your friendships, i am thankful .

have a wonderful friday lovebugs!
with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams



  1. Love Honey Boo Boo, love monograms and good luck on your grad school interview!

  2. These are such thoughtful letters. Well, the letters to your friends, husband, and parents. ;-) The rest are just plain funny! I fully support Adam Levine's desire to be clothing-free.

    Happy Friday!

  3. I monogram EVERYTHING. Love it! I found you on the blog hop

  4. Agree on the Adam note. oh yes.

    Have a great weekend!! Stop by and say hi!

  5. What great letters! So true about monograms. Everything should have an initial on it. Have a great weekend!


  6. have no words.

  7. your letters are brilliant! and i totally agree about adam levine!

  8. Found you on the Letters link up. I love my Kindle too! It's so easy to purchase books on the go.


  9. Love your hair cut! Its super cute.

  10. Visiting from Friday's letters meme, and I love your notes. It made me remember how much I heart my kindle! It's really awesome isn't it!!
    Have a great weekend.

  11. your hair cut looks great! so pretty :)

    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie


say hello :)