

Saturday, August 4, 2012

ummmm, because this is totally normal.

I haven't blogged in like two weeks. seriously, who am i?!

someone who is attached to their kindle that's who.

whenever i'm not at my nannying job or at my resturant job i'm reading my little heart out non stop. it's awesome and fantastic and has reminded me just how much i love a good book.
on another note, i've been getting a whole lot of  engagement, wedding, baby shower invites and announcements lately and my poor fridge can't hold them because i have about four real magnets and then a handful of alphabet magnets that can't hold up a receipt let alone an actual piece of paper.

so anyway, would anyone like to send me a magnet? from whevever you are, or one you think is funny or cute or whatever. consider it an act of kindness to send a small gift to a complete stranger for no reason other than to let me know you thought of me for .2 seconds of your day. i CAN tell you that i would greatly appreciate it. let me know and i'll give you my address!!!

im serious. is this selfish of me to ask you oh bloggy friends of mine? maybe, but ill pay it forward with my own act of kindness to someone else. sooooo will you send me a magnet please?!!!

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams




  1. Oh my gosh - i'd love to send you a magnet. Send me your email!

  2. Oh heck yeah! Email me and I'll happily send you a magnet!

  3. I feel like a "magnet swap" thing would be a wickedly cool idea. That way everyone gets a new fun magnet - because lets be real ... you can NEVER have too many magnets.

  4. I don't have any magnets to send because I have the same problem! :(
    I'm new to blogging and am glad I found yours! Check mine out :)

    The Sweetest Thing

  5. I was thinking a magnet swap would be awesome too! :) I haven't gone shopping for yours yet but will soon!!


say hello :)