

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

oh how pinteresting!


happy wednesday all!
I had a different post scheduled for today (i seriously thought it was tuesday..whoops) and only realized it was wednesday because I saw someone else already posted their pinteresting post...obviously I went all day yesterday thinking it was monday..maybe I do need to start using my planner haha.
I really enjoy doing this link up bc sometimes...i just need a break from all the semi serious thoughts i'd like to write about..this is relaxing for me, like reading a book or baking

Anyway, I'm linking up with Michelle over at the vintage apple to show off some of my favorite pins of the week : )

Enjoy browsing, seriously it's really hard for me to not overload showing you every single pin I loved this week so hopefully you make it to the end of this one...

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

ok besides the scarf used as a headwrap which i love, anddd the aviators that are classics, i desperately want my hair to look as lush as this

i mean really, how awesome is this clock?

i seem to find a new black & white chair every single time im on pinterest

i adore huge farm sinks, and especially love the constrast of the bright white, chrome hardware, & egg shell blue cabinets

my dream home would include a giant library full of book like both of these pics


and i'd totally have this somewhere. anywhere really.

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

cinque terre, italy

la feria in uruguay, where my dad is from. the best memories I have are of walking around la feria shopping and bargaining for treasures in montevideo. go there if you can, you won't regret it.

Source: via Mindy on Pinterest

the houses really look like this there. it's beautiful and classic..this could legit be on my yeya's street.
Source: via Rasha on Pinterest

 exactly. for example my ex boyfriend. and his new girlfriend. andd the girls that bullied me in high school.
or my old realtor or that professor that was really weird. no thanks.

I can think of some people who could use this....
.....including myself.

white chocolate peppermint cupcakes.yum.

homemade gnocchi. double yum.

true story. professional pinner? i could totally make it happen

and here i am pinning things i want & don't need for my christmas list.
way to put things in perspective

Source: via Rasha on Pinterest

.... which my mom reminds me of on a daily basis:
 "sarah, put some heels on! let your hair down! put some lipstick on!"
okay, maybe she's right

grown up twist on a college fave. champagne jello shots. how fancy!

i <3 the world

i haven't been able to find a leopard print scarf  i loved sooo i'm making my own.
look at me putting my pinterest skills to use.

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

adorable & classy

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

i used to play violin until my senior yr of high school & i seriously regret not sticking with it

champagne popsicles! perfect for the holidays coming up

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
need, want, must find for special calves that never fit the average boot


Source: via Ida on Pinterest


& more tights. with skirts & dresses, boots & booties. love them

the perfect fall outift. it's going on my list of potential outfits to re create.

ok, did you make it to the end? hope so :) thanks for sticking around!

i'm thinking of doing a giveaway in the next few weeks to thank you all for following my little stick around, spread the word & please visit me again

have a wonderful wednesday!

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams



  1. i think that clock would confuse me -- even though it's easy to read. I just need a large digital clock!

    Trish @ Tales from ... 

  2. loved them all, the outfits, awesome!!enjoy

  3. Great pins! That clock is awesome. It's so different!

    Lyndsay @ Simply Lyndsay

  4. I am loving the map picture frame! Well I like all your pins...

  5. That clock is awesome. Very different than anything I have seen. I am loving so many of your pins today. Nice roundup. Be sure to stop by my blog for my current giveaway from Crate & Barrel.

  6. Fabulous Pins! There was just one after another of things I loved. Thanks for sharing. Especially love the Hogwarts sign and of course the Iphone alert, who wouldn't love that?!

  7. ahhh i love the huge farm sink!

  8. I'm new to your blog, because we're paired up for the Nail Polish swap, and I have to say that I am in LOVE with that clock! I HAVE to have it!

  9. i love that black & white chair! i also love huge farm house sinks...i want one soooooo bad! and those champagne Popsicles? yes please!


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