

Saturday, November 12, 2011

a short story, complete with fill in the blanks

hello, hello friends!

here's a short story for you, complete with fill in the blanks, and hints found in pictures..ehh im feeling creative today :)

last night we went into the ________

for my brothers __________

we took the train in & then took a __________ to the bar

which was kinda fun except we looked like this inside it

yep. that's someone sitting on the floor, an arm and a butt. 11 people in one limo. not good.

made the most of it and played _________

when we got there we had many a few _____________

with a bunch of our ____________

then it was time to catch our ___________ to head back to town

so we took a cab to get back to ____________ just in time

when we got out of the cab and walked across the street to get there, one of our friends fell.

We all laughed.

then guess what happened next?

this girl:

did this:

ouch. and yes everyone laughed at me too.

Fun was had by all,

especially this guy

random ladies on the train..with that lady's birthday gift...which needed to be censored to preserve blogging pureness

hope you had a wonderful birthday bink!

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams


1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha I LOVE THIS! My favorite part..."to preserve blogging pureness" hahaha TOO funny! What a fun idea for a post! Hope you've had a fab weekend, honey!


say hello :)