

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wedding things.

Things that make you crazy when you hit your almost two month mark: 

(Okay, things that make you crazy while planning a wedding when you hit the 6,5,4,3, almost 2 month mark...) 

Suddenly, or not so suddenly since I'm me and I always do this...please refer to my prom dress fiasco of 2003... Simultaneously alternating between hating, second guessing, and loving all of the choices you made thus far: 
- your dress
- their dresses
- your shoes
- your venue
- your band
- your guest list
- your honeymoon
- writing our own vows
- your eyebrows (and I'm growing these bad boys out until the final moments)

The only things I haven't flip flopped on right now are my groom, my hair, and my dog. And even she's testing my patience these days. 

With a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams, 
