

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaBloPoMo & My 101 in 1001 List

Happy November! can you believe it's already here?! I can't...jeez time is flying by! In honor of today being November first, I'm joining some of my favorite bloggers Neely and Kiley in the NaBloPoMo November Blog challenge hosted by BlogHer
All you have to do is blog every day for the entire month. Sounds easy right? hmm we'll see, but I'm going to give it a fair shot.

It being the first and all actually ties in nicely to what I wanted to write about today so without further ado...
I give you my first post of November:

I'm obsessed with The Buried Life. If you haven't seen an episode, please do asap. The gist of it is that a group of guys have a list of things they want to do before they die. For every thing they check off their own list, they help a stranger fulfill something on their own lists. I've also seen a lot of bloggers on here who joined the day zero project, which helps you create your list and gives you 1001 days to complete them...and for someone like me, a deadline is what I need.
Who knows how long it will take me to cross everything off of it but it's an interesting thought: What do you want to do before you die? I've started making lists like these for months but always lose track of them or change my mind or get distracted or or orrrrrr....just life. So here's my new list-- a little I've taken from old lists, some I've taken from other peoples lists, some I found through the idea finder on Day Zero, some are silly and wishful dreams I'd like to make happen, some are things that I need to do and haven't made myself do them..I made a page for my list you can check every so often to see if I'm making any progress just click the tab at the top of my blog that says "101 in 1001"

I'll cross things off as I make them happen, i'll italicize the ones that are a work in progress, and the rest will be what I haven't done yet..wish me luck!
start: november 1st, 2011
end: july 29th, 2014
  1. drive across the country
  2. sing on stage
  3. learn to play the drums
  4. backpack across europe
  5. start a blog
  6. run a marathon
  7. buy a meal for a homeless person
  8. get a matching tattoo with my brother
  9. camp in my backyard
  10. write a letter to my future self to open in ten years
  11. give up fast food for a month
  12. ride in a hot air balloon
  13. climb to the top of the leaning tower of pisa (again, so i can really appreciate it this time)
  14. get married
  15. go skinny dipping
  16. host a dinner party in my OWN home
  17. put change into a strangers expired meter
  18. go on a blind date
  19. give up soda for six months
  20. cross abbey road
  21. climb to the top of the vatican
  22. take a picture under the eiffel tower
  23. learn how to change a tire
  24. grow my hair as long as my tush
  25. donate my hair to locks of love
  26. swim under a waterfall
  27. go to aruba
  28. wish on a shooting star
  29. graduate college
  30. Buy a car
  31. Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it
  32. Make a dress from scratch
  33. Pick 5 people who have changed my life and write each of them a letter
  34. Take a first aid class
  35. Be in the audience of the taping for a TV show
  36. Visit a brewery
  37. Find a community service project to be active in
  38. Mail a secret to Postsecret
  39. Try surfing
  40. Make a birthday cake for someone
  41. Eat in 10 new restaurants
  42. Read Alice in Wonderland & Pride and Prejudice
  43. Take a salsa dancing class
  44. See Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero BRAZIL
  45. Do the 200 sit-ups challenge (
  46. Spend an entire night out with friends and don't return home until daylight
  47. Complete a photography course
  48. Buy flowers for someone
  49. Find a poem that means something to me and learn it by heart
  50. Plant a vegetable garden
  51. Send 20 postcards to friends around the world
  52. Eat vegetarian for a month
  53. go to colombia
  54. Compliment someone every day for a week
  55. Teach English in a foreign country
  56. Have a yard sale
  57. Lose 50 pounds
  58. See the Moeraki Boulders in New Zealand

    ....still thinking of the rest of my list....
 check out my day zero project or start your own here:
day zero project

with a heart full of hope & a mind full of dreams



  1. Yay for NaBloPoMo! I'm attempting this year, too. I actually did it back in 2006 and it was h a r d! But, I did it! Good luck :)

  2. good luck! i have a 101 in 1001 is fun crossing things off the list! :)


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